Block Bad Queries: Powerful Protection from WP's Fastest Firewall Plugin

BBQ Pro – The Fastest WordPress Firewall Plugin 3.7.1 NULLED


Jeff Starr

Block Bad Queries (BBQ) is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress security plugin that provides protection against malicious URL requests. Some key features include powerful protection, fast and lightweight design, and ease of use.

= 3.7 (2023/11/03) =

  • Adds .msi to Advanced Request URI patterns
  • Adds etc/hosts to Basic Query String patterns
  • Adds etc/motd to Basic Query String patterns
  • Adds etc/shadow to Basic Query String patterns
More detail
  • Adds windows/win to Basic Query String patterns
  • Improves font-icon CSS styles
  • Improves localization function
  • Improves bbq_license_status()
  • Improves JavaScript on settings page
  • Replaces DOING_CRON with wp_doing_cron()
  • Adds custom notice on settings page
  • Updates FR translation (thank you Ingrid Azéma)
  • Updates default translation template
  • Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta)

= 3.7.1 (2024/03/23) =

  • Adds support for multiple alert addresses
  • Adds filter hook, bbq_alert_headers
  • Improves headers for email alerts
  • Updates Help tab information
More detail
  • Updates plugin settings page
  • Updates default translation template
  • Improves plugin docs/readme.txt
  • Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta)