Coming Soon CountDown Responsive WordPress Plugin - CodeCanyon

Coming Soon CountDown v3.9.0 - Responsive Wordpress Plugin



The Coming Soon CountDown Responsive WordPress Plugin is a versatile and professional tool for WordPress that offers 2 modern layouts and Countdowns. It allows you to continue working on your website while visitors see the Coming Soon page. Easily bring your website live by disabling the Coming Soon landing page with the main Enable/Disable button. No need to deactivate the plugin, as you can use it later for major changes. The plugin features two main layouts, custom Countdown showcase or main Titles displayed, and is fully mobile-responsive for any device. Enjoy ten page transition effects, ten predefined colors, six full-screen backgrounds, and much more. The plugin also supports various email marketing platforms and social media links, and you can decide which WP Roles users can see the website instead of the Coming Soon page. Restrict visibility for specific pages if needed.