Create Advanced Filterable & Faceted Grids for WordPress with Gridbuilder

WP Grid Builder – Build advanced grid layouts (with Addons) 2.0.4 NULLED


Loic Blascos

Gridbuilder is a powerful and intuitive WordPress plugin that allows you to create advanced filterable and faceted grids for your website. With Gridbuilder, you can easily query and display WordPress content from your post types, taxonomy terms, or users with an intuitive and stylish admin interface. The plugin includes 20+ pre-made cards that you can customize as you need, and is compatible with ACF, Meta Box, and Pods plugins for displaying WordPress Custom Fields in your cards. Some of the key features of Gridbuilder ᵂᴾ include: - Advanced filtering and faceted search: Create complex filterable grids with multiple facets to help your users find exactly what they’re looking for. - Customizable cards: Choose from 20+ pre-made cards or create your own custom card designs to display your content in a unique and visually appealing way. - Custom fields support: Display WordPress Custom Fields in your cards using the built-in support for ACF, Meta Box, and Pods plugins. - Intuitive admin interface: Easily manage your grids and filters with the user-friendly admin interface. Overall, Gridbuilder ᵂᴾ is a versatile and powerful tool for creating advanced filterable grids on your WordPress website. Its advanced filtering and faceted search capabilities, customizable cards, custom fields support, and intuitive admin interface make it a must-have plugin for any WordPress user looking to enhance their website’s content display.

= 1.8.1 - December 6, 2023 =

  • Updated Twitter/X social icon.
  • Fixed Error with template and is_main_query argument outside archive pages.
  • Fixed Issue with output buffering when filtering custom queries.

= 1.8.2 - February 7, 2024 =

  • Fixed Issue with user role block in cards.
  • Fixed Issue with term slug block in cards.

= 1.9.0 - April 2, 2024 =

  • Added Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.
  • Added Backward compatibility with V2.
  • Fixed PHP warning when activating WP Grid Builder V2 beta.

= 2.0.3 - May 31, 2025 =

  • Added Search Fields option for search facet (post/user content type).
  • Improved Override default grid order if Search Relevancy facet is enabled.
  • Fixed Issue with an infinite loop if the card’s post content contains a grid.
  • Fixed Issue when searching draft posts in grid settings.
  • Fixed Issue with missing template value in block.
  • Fixed Error when formatting numbers for post/term/user counts in cards

= 2.0.4 - June 14, 2024 =

  • Added Beta option to change facet endpoint request (custom or Rest API).
  • Improved Automatically expand advanced settings when filled.
  • Fixed Issue with grid aspect ratio in case of missing value.
  • Fixed Issue with card color scheme on empty blocks.
  • Fixed Issue with card terms block and custom field order.