Fluxstore WooCommerce - The Ultimate Flutter E-commerce App for Your WooCommerce Website

Fluxstore WooCommerce - Flutter E-commerce Full App Premium 4.0.0



Fluxstore WooCommerce is a powerful and flexible Flutter e-commerce app that integrates with your WooCommerce website. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, Fluxstore WooCommerce makes it easy for customers to browse and purchase products from your online store. The app is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the look and feel to match your brand.

Some of the key features of Fluxstore WooCommerce include:

  • Seamless integration with your WooCommerce website
  • A wide range of payment options, including PayPal, Stripe, and more
  • Push notifications to keep customers informed about new products and promotions
  • Multi-language support to cater to a global audience
  • A powerful search function to help customers find what they’re looking for

With Fluxstore WooCommerce, you can take your online store to the next level and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Last updated: 01 Oct, 2023

FluxStore and FluxNews apps version 3.13.5 now offer compatibility with Apple’s latest releases, XCode 15 and iOS 17

Beginning January 16, 2024, Mobile Apps having Google AdSense or AdMob will be required to use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that has been certified by Google when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.

  • New UI of Order History with Filter.
  • Ability to show or hide order details after successful checkout.
  • Recommend users to make purchases with Quantity group of x products. E.g.: 3-6-9, 5-10-15-20.
  • Ability to swipe to go back in Dark mode on IOS. Using:
  • CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that matches the iOS transition. You can swipe to go back.
  • FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that slides the page up.
  • Now FluxStore apps support more than 50 native languages.
  • Version Update Alert for countries outside US
  • Upgrade phone number validation
More detail
  • Policy URL supports Multi-language URLs :boom:
  • Move Banner Ads to the bottom of the screen
  • Improve quantity selection behavior
  • Update Kurdish and Tigrinya languages :earth_americas:
  • Update min-max-quantity plugin to the latest version 1.1.5 :reminder_ribbon:
  • Update OpenAI update library

ChangeLog | InspireUI Products

ChangeLog​:bell:Join our group or community for the latest information & guide. Version 4.0Last updated: 18 Mar, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download NEW FEATURE(1) Flutter 3.19 Upgrade :fire:Upgrade latest Flut