Fuodz - The Ultimate Grocery, Food, Pharmacy & Parcel Delivery App with PHP Laravel Backend

Glover v1.7.43 – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app

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Fuodz is a versatile mobile app that offers grocery, food, pharmacy, and parcel delivery services. With its PHP Laravel backend, Fuodz provides a user-friendly experience for customers looking for reliable delivery services.

Some key features of Fuodz:

  • Multiple delivery services
  • Easy to use
  • Reliable
  • Customizable

Fuodz is the ultimate solution for customers looking for fast and reliable delivery services.

1.7.10 - 2023/10/03

  1. Service re-ordering like product

  2. Age restriction/info for certain product/service

  3. Max selectable options under an option group.

More detail
  1. Taxi order fare breakdown details - Backend/Customer

  2. Delivery related Coupon

  3. Show product tags on product listing view customer app

  4. Product tagging direct from the products page backend

  5. Upgrade to flutter 3.13.6

  6. Show/hide trip/order amount in new order driver alert

  7. Custom CMS Pages

v1.7.20 Updates:

        1. Fix reported bugs
            - driver distance to pickup 
            - fix coupon taxi vendor type issue 
            - chat dark mode issue 
            - vendor type description now nullable/empty
        2. Customer Home Screen tiny UI update 
        3. enable/disable taxi trip fare recalculation
        4. Faqs 
        5. featured vendors on home screen 
        6. differrent customer Home scree

1.7.21 - 2023/11/12

  1. Only fix reported issue
  • Regular order placing error
More detail
  • Customer modern home screen feature vendor scroll issue

  • Subcategories fetch only vendors with such subcategories

  1. Improved product - menu - categories/subcateories assignment

1.7.40 - 2024/02/16

  1. Product approval system.

  2. Vendor & Driver In-app earning, sales & payout report.

  3. Fix Customer digital product download.

  4. All product option creation directly from vendor app - new /edit product.