JetFormBuilder PRO Addons - Enhance Your Forms with Advanced Features and Integrations

JetFormBuilder + Pro Addons



JetFormBuilder PRO Addons is a powerful tool that enhances your forms with advanced features and integrations. With JetFormBuilder PRO Addons, you can create complex forms with ease, and integrate them with popular services such as MailChimp, PayPal, and more. Some of the key features of JetFormBuilder PRO Addons include:

  • Advanced form fields
  • Conditional logic
  • Multi-step forms
  • Form calculations
  • Integrations With JetFormBuilder PRO Addons, you can create powerful and user-friendly forms that help you collect the information you need from your users.


  • FIX: Minor vulnerability in Update User action
  • FIX: Invalid deletion of first element of repeater field
  • FIX: Form doesn’t go to top of each step in some cases
  • FIX: Ignore the value 0 in the Select/Radio/Checkbox Fields
  • FIX: Minor compatibility with language plugins


  • ADD: Support multiple emails in Reply-To (Send Email)
  • ADD: Added “Post Type” to Hidden Field Sources
  • FIX: Active Campaign. Cannot add a contact with an existing tag if there are many
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  • FIX: Encoding Error in Color Picker Field
  • FIX: Changed the user_agent column type from varchar (255) to text in the table jet_fb_records
  • FIX: Media field is empty in form records export file
  • FIX: Visually confusing the “Generate dynamically” → “Value from meta” options setting
  • FIX: Advanced Choices Field Block styled text can’t be clicked
  • FIX: Compatibility with JetFormBuilder PayPal Subscriptions
  • FIX: REST-API security. Now only administrators can view one or more forms using standard WP REST routes


– FIX: Error in form fields in editor after release of WP 6.4. Inability to edit them
– FIX: Prevent saving too long status in *_jet_fb_records table
– FIX: Remove useless control in Elementor widget – JetForm

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– FIX: Save form progress (addon) not working for repeater fields

Changelog didn’t updated


– ADD: Switcher Field
– ADD: Welcome block with form patterns
– ADD: Generate forms with Open AI
– ADD: Improved preset sanitize. Option for disable sanitize

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– ADD: Possibility to verify manually the form by admin
– ADD: “Greater than or equal” and “Less than or equal” operators were added to the Conditional Block
– UPD: Improved Server-Side validation
– FIX: Compatibility with JetBooking on the frontend


– FIX: Use macros in Send Email when verifying a submission or processing a gateway.
– FIX: Apply advanced validation for optional field
– Tweak: Support for old namespaces for Radio, Select, Checkbox classes

– FIX: Advanced Validation with Server-Side callback does not work on frontend
– FIX: Honeypot protection breaks the form on frontend
– FIX: Incorrect value in Calculated Field after page loading
– FIX: Compatibility with PHP version < 8.0