SaaS & SuperAdmin Module for UltimatePOS – Advance

SaaS & SuperAdmin Module for UltimatePOS – Advance v4.0 nulled

What is SaaS or Superadmin Module?
SaaS is Software as a service.
With this module, you can sell UltimatePOS Advance as a subscription package to users.
You can see all the businesses registered in the POS, Add a New business, Deactivate a business, or delete them completely.

How is this SaaS module different from UltimatePOS advance

Some users asked us this question, so we thought of mentioning it here :grinning:

UltimatePOS advance is the main POS software, which is required if you need POS
SaaS/Superadmin Module is an Optional extension to it. With SaaS/Superadmin module you can sell subscription packages to businesses. It is can help you be Profitable/ Monetize your​:moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: POS application.

Features in SaaS & Superadmin module:

Create Unlimited subscription packages
Activate, Deactivate or Delete Packages
Trial Days
Free Packages
Daily / Monthly / Yearly Interval selection
Limit number of locations, active users, Products, Invoices,
Superadmin only use packages (Private packages for superadmin)
One-time use package only (Use Case: Free package can be enabled to use once only).
Custom URL in package subscriptions: Custom URL for packages are external URLs. Using this link customers can contact you for a customized package for them. For example, something like “Contact Us” page for a Higher Enterprise package.
NOTE: The URL must be an active URL (eg, URL of your website’s contact page ).
This URL text will be displayed above the pay button of the package for the users.
So when users click it, it will direct them to the respective page(eg, URL of your website contact page).
Manage Businesses:
Add, View, Deactivate or delete businesses.
View business subscription logs
Payment Gateways:
Offline payment
Subscriptions expiry notification.
Superadmin can edit business subscription start/trial/end date
Subscription invoice with print option
Allocate subscriptions to businesses directly from superadmin
Company-based Username.
SMTP/Email setting
Backup setting
Payment Gateway Settings
App default settings
Communicator module to send email to all/selected businesses owners
Intuitive dashboard to give details of your businesses.
One-Click installation
Complete setup guide.
Company-based Username.
Subscription/Pricing landing page (hidden in demo)
Compatibe with WooCommerce addon.
Login as a customer:
Using a super admin login, the admin can log in as a customer. this feature is available in version 4.7.8 and above.

To enable this feature, Go to Superadmin > All Business > Action > Manage > Scroll down to Users list > Click on “Login as ” button