SmartCrawl Pro: Your Ultimate Solution for WordPress SEO Optimization

SmartCrawl Pro 3.10.2 NULLED


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SmartCrawl Pro is a powerful SEO optimization tool designed specifically for WordPress websites. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to help improve your website’s visibility and performance in search engine rankings.

  1. SEO Checkup & Reports: SmartCrawl Pro provides regular SEO checkups and reports to keep you updated on your website’s SEO status.
  2. Title & Meta Tags: Customize how your web pages appear in search results by setting up title and meta tags.
  3. Automatic Linking: This feature allows you to set up keyword link options, making internal and external linking effortless.
  4. Sitemap Generator: SmartCrawl Pro automatically generates a sitemap, making it easier for search engines to index your site.
  5. Social Media Integration: It also integrates with social media platforms, allowing you to manage how your content is shared on social networks.


After using SmartCrawl Pro, I found it to be an effective tool for SEO optimization on WordPress websites.


  1. User-Friendly Interface: The plugin has a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users of all levels to navigate and use.
  2. Comprehensive SEO Tools: From keyword optimization to sitemap generation, SmartCrawl Pro offers a wide range of tools for comprehensive SEO management.
  3. Regular Updates & Reports: The regular SEO checkups and reports keep you informed about your website’s performance.


  1. Learning Curve: For beginners, there might be a slight learning curve involved in understanding some of the more advanced features.
  2. Price: Compared to some other free SEO plugins available, SmartCrawl Pro might seem a bit pricey.


Overall, SmartCrawl Pro is a robust and comprehensive SEO plugin for WordPress websites. Despite the slight learning curve and cost, its wide range of features and user-friendly interface make it a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about improving their website’s SEO performance.

3.10.0 - 2023-02-05

  • Enhance: Module management UI & UX.
  • Enhance: Plugin conflict detection.
  • Enhance: Redirection module.
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings.
  • Fix: Settings on Quick setup are not working as expected.
  • Fix: Redirection settings can not be saved.
  • Fix: Auto auto-linking feature is visible on the free version even though it is not working.

3.10.2 - 2023-03-11

  • Enhance: UI improvements in Advanced Tools.
  • Enhance: Replace outdated logos.
  • Enhance: PHP 8.1 support.
  • Fix: WooCommerce settings changes do not reflect in Robots.txt preview.
More detail
  • Fix: MaxMind db update is not working without page refresh.
  • Fix: Unexpected notice in redirection regex settings.
  • Fix: Default redirection type not working in URL Redirection.
  • Fix: “Redirect To” will not allow adding URLs that are found in the content of Post,Page & Custom Post Type.
  • Fix: SmartCrawl redirection suggestions block from selecting the correct URL.
  • Fix: High Contrast Mode : Enable/Disable not working.
  • Fix: Module is shown as inactive after saving advanced tools settings.
  • Fix: Import Redirection does not contain “Redirect To” field.
  • Fix: Automatic Linking and 301 Redirect are still visible in post/page editor if Advanced tools are not enabled on the subsite.
  • Fix: Getting PHP WordPress Database error {table_prefix}_smartcrawl_redirects when there is no url_redirection added.
  • Fix: Automatic Linking tab is not visible in the free version.
  • Fix: Advanced Tools overview page is not visible when all sub-modules are deactivated.
  • Fix: SEO Health and SEO Crawler Email Report not following schedule correctly.
  • Fix: Error when trying to add a category to Custom Post type.