Supercharge Your Website with Premium Addons for Elementor: 80+ Innovative Widgets, Section Addons, and Global Features

Premium Addons PRO for Elementor 2.9.16 NULLED



Premium Addons for Elementor is a powerful tool designed to supercharge your website. With over 80+ innovative widgets and section addons, it offers a wide range of features to enhance your website’s functionality and user experience. Key Features: 80+ Innovative Widgets, Section Addons, Global Features, Fully Customizable, Responsive Design, Regular Updates, Excellent Support. In conclusion, Premium Addons for Elementor is not just a plugin; it’s a complete package that offers everything you need to take your website to the next level. Whether you’re a professional web developer or a beginner, this tool will make website creation a breeze.

= 2.9.8 =

  • Tweak: Added option to hide Horizontal Scroll widget slides on desktop devices.
  • Fixed: Unnecessary HTML markup rendered in the table widget.
  • Fixed: Feed is duplicated in Facebook and Behance Feed widgets.
  • Fixed: Facebook and Behance Feed widgets not working on the frontend.

= 2.9.12 =

  • New: Magic Section widget rebuilt. It’s now Off-Canvas - here.
  • Tweak: Added Fixed Content Template option in Multi Scroll widget - here.
  • Fixed: Icon hover styling options not working in Icon Box widget.

= 2.9.13 =

  • Tweak: Code improved for better performance and security.
  • Fixed: Off-canvas widget layout broken on RTL sites.

= 2.9.15 =

  • Tweak: Code improved for better performance and security.
  • Tweak: Added Z-index option for Custom Mouse Cursor addon.
  • Fixed: PHP warnings in Yelp Reviews and Hover Box widgets.
  • Fixed: Icon Color option not working correctly in some cases in WhatsApp Chat widget.
  • Fixed: Console error thrown by Global Mouse Cursor addon.

= 2.9.16 =

  • Tweak: Added HTML Tag option for text in Image Layers widget.

  • Tweak: Code improved for better performance and security.

  • Fixed: Smart Post Listing conflict with Elementor Flexbox Containers.

  • Fixed: PHP warning in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets.